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native americans and nixon jack forbes nixon administration government relations politics self-determination policy

Native Americans and Nixon

By Jack Forbes, 1981.

A study of how the Nixon administration dealt with Indian demands.

148 pp.

$12.00 paper; ISBN 978-0-935626-06-9

This work provides an important study of how the Nixon administration dealt with Indian demands. “The pressure created by several years of volatile Indian demonstrations and demands undoubtedly contributed to Richard Nixon’s proclamation of ‘Indian self-determination’ during his reelection campaign.” Forbes provides an in-depth analysis of the many Indian challenges to Nixon and the national government’s authority between 1969 and 1972, including the Occupation of Alcatraz, Wounded Knee, and the Caravan.

Table of Contents



Nixon and the Native People

The Trail of Broken Treaties

The Aftermath: Indians, Good and Bad


