Vol. 32, No. 3 2008
Special Edition: Mainstreaming Indigenous Geographies Guest Editor: Kate A. Berry
This special issue is dedicated to Imre Sutton, who provided the inspiration for this project and has served as a great supporter of indigenous geography and geographers throughout the years.
- Introduction: Mainstreaming Indigenous Geography, by Kate A. Berry
- Indigenous Nations’ Responses to Climate Change, by Zoltán Grossman
- New Caledonian Development and the Kanak Voice, by Anne-Marie d’Hauteserre
- Reflections on Thirty Years of Fieldwork with Indigenous People, by Stephen L. Davis
- Reflections on the Importance of Indigenous Geography, by RDK Herman
- Indigenous Research, Publishing, and Intellectual Property, by Kenneth D. Madsen
- Mapping Indigenous Depth of Place, by Margaret Wickens Pearce and Renee Pualani Louis
- Kitchen Table Discourse: Negotiating the “Tricky Ground” of Indigenous Research, by Jay T. Johnson
- Indigenous Geography, GIS, and Land-Use Planning on the Bois Forte Reservation, by Laura Smith
- Negotiating Ojibwe Treaty Rights: Toward a Critical Geopolitics of State-Tribal Relations, by Steven E. Silvern
- Before the Country: Native Renaissance, Canadian Mythology, by Stephanie McKenzie. Reviewed by Naomi McIlwraith
- Beyond Red Power: American Indian Politics and Activism Since 1900. Edited by Daniel M. Cobb and Loretta Fowler. Reviewed by Troy Johnson
- How Choctaws Invented Civilization and Why Choctaws Will Conquer the World, by D.L. Birchfield. Reviewed by Sandra Fairman-Silva
- Border Citizens: The Making of Indians, Mexicans, and Anglos in Arizona, by Eric V. Meeks. Reviewed by Jeff Schulze
- I Swallow Turquoise for Courage: Poems, by Hershman R. John. Reviewed by Stephanie Fitzgerald
- Long Journey Home: Oral Histories of Contemporary Delaware Indians. Edited by James W. Brown and Rita T. Kohn. Reviewed by Marshall Joseph Becker
- Medicine Bundle: Indian Sacred Performance and American Literatures, 1824-1932, by Joshua David Bellin. Reviewed by Andrew Wiget
- Miko Kings: An Indian Baseball Story, by LeAnne Howe. Reviewed by Leslie D. Hannah
- Mythology of the Blackfoot Indians. Compiled and translated by Clark Wissler and D.C. Duvall. Reviewed by Jay Hansford C. Vest
- Nez Perce Country, by Alvin M. Josephy Jr. with introduction by Jeremy FiveCrows. Reviewed by Steven R. Evans
- Pagans in the Promised Land: Decoding the Doctrine of Christian Discovery, by Steven T. Newcomb. Reviewed by Robert J. Miller
- Poison Arrows: North American Indian Hunting and Warfare, by David E. Jones. Reviewed by Leland Donald
- Possessing the Pacific: Land, Settlers, and Indigenous People from Australia to Alaska, by Stuart Banner. Reviewed by Aileen Moreton-Robinson
- The Seminole Freedmen: A History, by Kevin Mulroy. Reviewed by Joseph Hall
- Sharing Our Stories of Survival: Native Women Surviving Violence. Edited by Sarah Deer, Bonnie Clairmont, Carrie Martell, and Maureen White Eagle. Reviewed by Andrea Smith
- Treaties with American Indians: An Encyclopedia of Rights, Conflicts, and Sovereignty. Edited by Donald L. Fixico. Reviewed by David E. Wilkins
- Tribe, Race, History: Native Americans in Southern New England, 1780-1880, by Daniel R. Mandell. Reviewed by C. Joseph Genetin-Pilawa
- Two Spirits: A Story of Life with the Navajo, by Walter L. Williams and Toby Johnson. Reviewed by Daniel Heath Justice
- Victorio: Apache Warrior and Chief, by Kathleen P. Chamberlain. Reviewed by Michael L. Tate
- Weaving Women’s Lives: Three Generations in a Navajo Family, by Louise Lamphere with Eva Price, Carole Cadman, and Valerie Darwin. Reviewed by Jennifer Nez Denetdale