
Vol. 32, No. 1 2008
- The Paradox of Sovereignty: Contingencies of Meaning in American Indian Treaty Discourse by Caskey Russell
- Tropic Trappings in Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto and Joseph Nicolar’s The Life and Traditions of the Red Man by Annette Kolodny
- Activist Media in Native AIDS Organizing: Theorizing the Colonial Conditions of AIDS by Scott Morgensen
- Renewing Haudenosaunee Ties: Laura Cornelius Kellogg and the Idea of Unity in the Oneida Land Claim by Kristina Ackley
- “Strange Things Happen to Non-Christian People”: Human-Animal Transformation among the Iñupiat of Arctic Alaska by Joslyn Cassady
Annotated Bibliography
- Internet Resources for Native American and Canadian Aboriginal Studies by David A. Smith
- African Creeks: Estelvste and the Creek Nation. By Gary Zellar. Reviewed by Fay A. Yarbrough
- Archaeology of the Lower Muskogee Creek Indians, 1715–1836. By H. Thomas Foster II. Reviewed by Charles R. Cobb
- Art of the Northwest Coast. By Aldona Jonaitis. Reviewed by Judith Ostrowitz
- Big Medicine from Six Nations. By Ted C. Williams. Reviewed by Barbara Alice Mann
- Casino and Museum: Representing Mashantucket Pequot Identity. By John J. Bodinger de Uriarte. Reviewed by Sioux Harvey
- The Choctaws in Oklahoma: From Tribe to Nation, 1855–1970. By Clara Sue Kidwell. Reviewed by Mary Young
- The Collected Writings of Samson Occom, Mohegan: Leadership and Literature in Eighteenth-Century Native America. Edited by Joanna Brooks. Reviewed by Laura Leibman
- The Black Hawk War of 1832. By Patrick J. Jung. Reviewed by John P. Bowes
- Cornplanter: Chief Warrior of the Allegany Senecas. By Thomas S. Abler. Reviewed by Jon Parmenter
- History Is in the Land: Multivocal Tribal Traditions in Arizona’s San Pedro Valley. By T. J. Ferguson and Chip Colwell-Chanthaphonh. Reviewed by Jerome M. Levi
- The Memoirs of Lt. Henry Timberlake: The Story of a Soldier, Adventurer, and Emissary to the Cherokees, 1756–1765. Edited by Duane H. King. Reviewed by Andrew Denson
- Mountain Spirit: The Sheep Eater Indians of Yellowstone. By Lawrence L. Loendorf and Nancy Medaris Stone. Reviewed by Robert McCarl
- Native Hubs: Culture, Community, and Belonging in Silicon Valley and Beyond. By Renya K. Ramirez. Reviewed by G. H. Grandbois
- Native Seattle: Histories from the Crossing-Over Place. By Coll Thrush. Reviewed by Heather A. Howard
- New Indians, Old Wars. By Elizabeth Cook-Lynn. Reviewed by Tom Holm
- New Perspectives on Pottery Mound Pueblo. Edited by Polly Schaafsma. Reviewed by Judith A. Habicht-Mauche
- Not Without Our Consent: Lakota Resistance to Termination, 1950–59. By Edward Charles Valandra. Reviewed by Paula Wagoner
- Reclaiming Diné History: The Legacies of Navajo Chief Manuelito and Juanita. By Jennifer Nez Denetdale. Reviewed by Anthony K. Webster
- Wabanaki Homeland and the New State of Maine: The 1820 Journal and Plans of Survey of Joseph Treat. Edited by Micah A. Pawling. Reviewed by Neal Salisbury
- Washita Memories: Eyewitness Views of Custer’s Attack on Black Kettle’s Village. By Richard G. Hardorff. Reviewed by Richard N. Ellis