Vol. 31, No. 3 2007
- Introduction: Representing Native America by Rebecca S. Hernandez
- The Indian Fashion Show: Manipulating Representations of Native Attire in Museum Exhibits to Fight Stereotypes in 1942 and 1998 by Nancy J. Parezo
- The Booth Sitters of Santa Fe’s Indian Market: Making and Maintaining Authenticity by Bruce Bernstein
- The Creative Terrain of Numbe Whageh: Creating Memory, Leading to Center by Kathy Freise
- The Visualization of Native-American Peoples in a Late-Nineteenth-Century Sculpture Program in Vienna, Austria by Gerard W. van Bussel
- Identified Indian Objects: An Examination of Category by Rebecca S. Hernandez
- Pure Objects, Pure Persons: Artwriting and the Cultural Frame of Traditional Native American Art by Lea S. McChesney
- The Art of Native Life: Exhibiting Culture and Identity at the National Museum of the American Indian by Rachel E. G. Griffin
- Cultural Mediations: Or How to Listen to Lewis and Clark’s Indian Artifacts by Scott Stevens
- American Indian Literary Nationalism. By Jace Weaver, Craig S. Womack, and Robert Warrior. Reviewed by Brewster Fitz
- Bear Island: The War at Sugar Point. By Gerald Vizenor. Reviewed by Brenda J. Child
- The Columbia Guide to American Indian Literatures of the United States since 1945. Edited by Eric Cheyfitz. Reviewed by Laura Adams Weaver
- Cultural Representation in Native America. Edited by Andrew Jolivétte. Reviewed by Christina Gish Berndt
- D’Arcy McNickle’s The Hungry Generations: The Evolution of a Novel. Edited by Birgit Hans. Reviewed by Lee Schweninger
- Drinking and Sobriety among the Lakota Sioux. By Beatrice Medicine. Reviewed by Philip A. May
- Edward P. Dozier: The Paradox of the American Indian Anthropologist. By Marilyn Norcini. Reviewed by William Willard
- Empires of the Atlantic World: Britain and Spain in America, 1492–1830. By J. H. Elliott. Reviewed by Robert Morrissey
- Keeping It Living: Traditions of Plant Use and Cultivation on the Northwest Coast of North America. Edited by Douglas Deur and Nancy J. Turner. Reviewed by Laurie Osher and Peter A. Leach
- Making Indian Law: The Hualapai Land Case and the Birth of Ethnohistory. By Christian W. McMillen. Reviewed by Matthew L. M. Fletcher
- Muting White Noise: Native American and European American Novel Traditions. By James H. Cox. Reviewed by Maria Orban
- Native Moderns: American Indian Painting, 1940–1960. By Bill Anthes. Reviewed by Alfred Young Man
- Notebooks of Elizabeth Cook-Lynn. By Elizabeth Cook-Lynn. Reviewed by Sidner Larson
- Prophets of the Great Spirit: Native American Revitalization Movements in Eastern North America. By Alfred A. Cave. Reviewed by Clifford E. Trafzer
- The Sound the Stars Make Rushing through the Sky: The Writings of Jane Johnston Schoolcraft. Edited by Robert Dale Parker. Reviewed by Joanna Brooks
- The True Story of Pocahontas: The Other Side of History. By Linwood “Little Bear” Custalow and Angela L. Daniel “Silver Star.” Reviewed by Lisa Heuvel
- Violence over the Land: Indians and Empires in the Early American West. By Ned Blackhawk. Reviewed by Kim M. Gruenwald
- Wisconsin Indian Literature: Anthology of Native Voices. Edited by Kathleen Tigerman. Reviewed by Phillip H. Round
- Words of the Huron. By John L. Steckley. Reviewed by Craig Kopris
- X-Indian Chronicles: The Book of Mausape. By Thomas M. Yeahpau. Reviewed by Michael Snyder