
Vol. 31, No. 2 2007
- Remapping Place and Narrative in Native American Literature: David Treuer’s The Hiawatha, by Padraig Kirwan
- Dimensions of Homing and Displacement in Louise Erdrich’s Tracks, by Jill Jepson
- The Owens Valley Epics, by Donald Bahr
- Silence as the Root of American Indian Humor: Further Meditations on the Comic Vision of Anishinaabe Culture and Religion, by Lawrence Gross
- Conjuring the Colonizer: Alternative Readings of Magic Realism in Sherman Alexie’s Reservation Blues, by Wendy Belcher
- Tribal Teachers Are Important to American Indian Adolescents’ Tribal Identity Development, by Carrie M. Brown, Judith L. Gibbons, and Kimberly Eretzian Smirles
- Boarding School Blues: Revisiting American Indian Educational Experiences, edited and with an introduction by Clifford E. Trafzer, Jean A. Keller, and Lorene Sisquoc. Reviewed by Daniel M. Cobb
- Captive Histories: English, French, and Native Narratives of the Deerfield Raid, by Evan Haefeli and Kevin Sweeney. Reviewed by Christopher J. Bilodeau
- A Conquering Spirit: Fort Mims and the Redstick War of 1813–1814, by Gregory A. Waselkov. Reviewed by Charles R. Cobb
- Crazy Horse: A Lakota Life, by Kingsley M. Bray. Reviewed by Robert W. Galler Jr.
- Cross-Cultural Collaboration: Native Peoples and Archaeology in the Northeastern United States, edited by Jordan E. Kerber. Reviewed by Chip Colwell-Chanthaphonh
- Elsie’s Business, by Frances Washburn. Reviewed by Louise Cummings Maynor
- Imagining Native America in Music, by Michael V. Pisani. Reviewed by Tara Browner
- Indigenous Education and Empowerment: International Perspectives, edited by Ismael Abu-Saad and Duane Champagne. Reviewed by Glenabah Martinez
- Landscapes of Fraud: Mission Tumacácori, the Baca Float, and the Betrayal of the O’odham, by Thomas E. Sheridan. Reviewed by Jeffrey M. Sanders
- Native Insurgencies and the Genocidal Impulse in the Americas, by Nicholas A. Robins. Reviewed by James A. Sandos
- A Northern Cheyenne Album: Photographs by Thomas B. Marquis, edited by Margot Liberty; commentary by John Woodenlegs. Reviewed by Brian W. Dippie
- The Oneida Indians in the Age of Allotment, 1860–1920, edited by Laurence M. Hauptman and L. Gordon McLester III. Reviewed by John M. Shaw
- The People and The Word: Reading Native Nonfiction, by Robert Warrior. Reviewed by Kathryn Shanley
- The Power of Horses and Other Stories, by Elizabeth Cook-Lynn. Reviewed by Monique Ramune Jonaitis
- To Remain an Indian: Lessons in Democracy from a Century of Native American Education, by K. Tsianina Lomawaima and Teresa L. McCarty. Reviewed by Alison Fields
- Scientists and Storytellers: Feminist Anthropologists and the Construction of the American Southwest, by Catherine J. Lavender. Reviewed by S. Elizabeth Bird
- The Secret Powers of Naming, by Sara Littlecrow-Russell. Reviewed by Dean Rader
- Unlearning the Language of Conquest: Scholars Expose Anti-Indianism in America, edited by Four Arrows (Don Trent Jacobs). Reviewed by Sandy Grande
- The Unquiet Grave: The FBI and the Struggle for the Soul of Indian Country, by Steve Hendricks. Reviewed by Troy R. Johnson
- White Man’s Paper Trail: Grand Councils and Treaty-Making on the Central Plains, by Stan Hoig. Reviewed by Andrew H. Fisher