
Vol. 31, No. 1 2007
- Indian Activism, the Great Society, Indian Self-Determination, and the Drive for an Indian College or University, 1964–71, by Steven J. Crum
- American Indians in the News: A Media Portrayal in Crime Articles, by Adrienne Freng
- “I Should Not Be Wearing a Pilgrim Hat”: Making an Indian Place in Urban Schools, 1945–75, by Steve Amerman
- Potlatch and Powwow: Dynamics of Culture through Lives Lived Dancing, by Tracy J. Andrews and Jon Olney
- Storytelling: The Heart of American Indian Scholarship, by Frances Washburn
- American Indian Constitutional Reform and the Rebuilding of Native Nations, edited by Eric D. Lemont. Reviewed by Eileen Luna-Firebaugh
- American Indian Rhetorics of Survivance: Word Medicine, Word Magic, edited by Ernest Stromberg. Reviewed by Mary E. Stuckey
- Bernie Whitebear: An Urban Indian’s Quest for Justice, by Lawney L. Reyes. Reviewed by D. Anthony Tyeeme Clark
- Black Silk Handkerchief: A Hom-Astubby Mystery, by D. L. Birchfield. Reviewed by Susan L. Rockwell
- The Collected Speeches of Sagoyewatha, or Red Jacket, edited by Granville Ganter. Reviewed by Jason Edward Black
- Elias Cornelius Boudinot: A Life on the Cherokee Border, by James W. Parins. Reviewed by Tiya Miles
- Ghost Dances and Identity: Prophetic Religion and American Indian Ethnogenesis in the Nineteenth Century, by Gregory E. Smoak. Reviewed by John W. Heaton
- Money Pitcher: Chief Bender and the Tragedy of Indian Assimilation, by William C. Kashatus. Reviewed by C. Richard King
- Our Fire Survives the Storm: A Cherokee Literary History, by Daniel Heath Justice. Reviewed by Diane Glancy
- Quest for Tribal Acknowledgment: California’s Honey Lake Maidus, by Sara-Larus Tolley with foreword by Greg Sarris. Reviewed by Les Field
- A Seat at the Table: Huston Smith in Conversation with Native Americans on Religious Freedom, edited by Huston Smith. Reviewed by Steve Talbot
- Something New in the Air: The Story of First Peoples Television Broadcasting in Canada, by Lorna Roth. Reviewed by Victoria Bomberry
- Sovereignty Matters: Locations of Contestation and Possibility in Indigenous Struggles for Self-Determination, edited by Joanne Barker. Reviewed by Charlotte Coté
- Switchbacks: Art, Ownership, and Nuxalk National Identity, by Jennifer Kramer. Reviewed by Alexis Bunten
- Tribal Water Rights: Essays in Contemporary Law, Policy, and Economics, edited by John Thorson, Sarah Britton, and Bonnie G. Colby. Reviewed by Robert T. Anderson
- The Unquiet Grave: The FBI and the Struggle for the Soul of Indian Country, by Steve Hendricks. Reviewed by Bruce E. Johansen
- We Know Who We Are: Métis Identity in a Montana Community, by Martha Harroun Foster. Reviewed by Mike Evans
- Where Lightning Strikes: The Lives of American Indian Sacred Places, by Peter Nabokov. Reviewed by John A. Grim
- The World We Used to Live In: Remembering the Powers of the Medicine Men, by Vine Deloria Jr. Reviewed by Lee Irwin
- The Year the Sun Died, by Kenneth Lincoln. Reviewed by Charles Brashear