
Vol. 30, No. 4 2006
- Bringing Culture in: Community Responses to Apology, Reconciliation, and Reparations, by Bruce Granville Miller
- First Nations, Consultation, and the Rule of Law: Salmon Farming and Colonialism in British Columbia, by Dorothee Schreiber
- Myth, Metaphor, and Meaning in “The Boy Who Could Not Understand”: A Study of Seneca Auto-Criticism, by Jay Hansford C. Vest
- Out of the Woods: The Making of the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act, by Dean J. Kotlowski
- Healthy Families on American Indian Reservations: A Summary of Six Years of Research, by Tribal College Faculty, Staff, and Students by Louellyn White, Joseph “Jay” H. Stauss, and Claudia E. Nelson
- Energy Planning for Indian Nations within the WRAP: A Field Guide, by Thomas L. Acker, Chian Jones, and Dean Howard Smith
- America Is Indian Country: Opinions and Perspectives from Indian Country Today, edited by José Barreiro and Tim Johnson. Reviewed by Susan Lobo and Colin Ben
- Authentic Indians: Episodes of Encounter from the Late-Nineteenth-Century Northwest Coast, by Paige Raibmon. Reviewed by Brian Thom
- Bibliography of Native American Bibliographies, compiled by Phillip M. White. Reviewed by Kenneth Wade
- The Boundaries between Us: Natives and Newcomers along the Frontiers of the Old Northwest Territory, 1750–1850, edited by Daniel P. Barr. Reviewed by Bob Morrissey
- Buried Indians: Digging Up the Past in a Midwestern Town, by Laurie Hovell McMillin. Reviewed by Richard M. Wheelock
- The Conquest of Texas: Ethnic Cleansing in the Promised Land, 1820–1875, by Gary Clayton Anderson. Reviewed by Matthew Babcock
- The Dall Sheep Dinner Guest: Inupiaq Narratives of Northwest Alaska, by Wanni Wibulswasdi Anderson and John Patkuraq Brown. Reviewed by Alexis Bunten
- The Indian Chief as Tragic Hero: Native Resistance and the Literatures of America, from Moctezuma to Tecumseh, by Gordon M. Sayre. Reviewed by Maureen Konkle
- Light on the Path: The Anthropology and History of the Southeastern Indians, edited by Thomas J. Pluckhahn and Robbie Franklyn Etheridge. Reviewed by Heidi Altman
- Like the Sound of a Drum: Aboriginal Cultural Politics in Denendeh and Nunavut, by Peter Kulchyski. Reviewed by Katherine Beaty Chiste
- Living with Strangers: The Nineteenth-Century Sioux and the Canadian-American Borderlands, by David G. McCrady. Reviewed by William A. Dobak
- Maps of Experience: The Anchoring of Land to Story in Secwepemc Discourse, by Andie Diane N. Palmer. Reviewed by Kathleen A. Dahl
- Native American Placenames of the United States, by William Bright. Reviewed by Paul V. Kroskrity
- Oneida Lives: Long-Lost Voices of the Wisconsin Oneidas, edited by Herbert S. Lewis. Reviewed by Kenneth Mello
- Peoples of the Plateau: The Indian Photographs of Lee Moorhouse, 1898–1915, by Steven L. Grafe. Reviewed by George P. Horse Capture Sr.
- The Shawnees and Their Neighbors 1795–1870, by Stephen Warren. Reviewed by Donald L. Fixico
- The Shoshone-Bannocks: Culture and Commerce at Fort Hall, 1870–1940, by John W. Heaton. Reviewed by Richard O. Clemmer
- Working the Navajo Way: Labor and Culture in the Twentieth Century, by Colleen O’Neill. Reviewed by Martha C. Knack
- Writing the Cross Culture: Native Fiction on the White Man’s Religion, edited by James Treat. Reviewed by Ervan G. Garrison
- Yupiit Qanruyutait: Yup’ik Words of Wisdom, edited by Ann Fienup-Riordan. Reviewed by Walkie Charles