
Vol. 30, No. 3 2006
- A Little School, A Reservation Divided: Quaker Education and Allegany Seneca Leadership in the Early American Republic, by Mark A. Nicholas
- When Love Medicine Is Not Enough: Class Conflict and Work Culture on and off the Reservation, by Reginald Dyck
- Identity, Cultural Values, and American Indians’ Perceptions of Science and Technology, by Keith James
- Holistic Community Development: Wellness for the Collective Body, by Kerin Gould
- Researching Indigenous Indians in Southern California: Commentary, Bibliography, and Online Resources, by Imre Sutton
- Algonquian Spirit: Contemporary Translations of the Algonquian Literatures of North America, edited by Brian Swann. Reviewed by Ron Welburn
- Building on a Borrowed Past: Place and Identity in Pipestone, Minnesota, by Sally J. Southwick. Reviewed by Anton Treuer
- The Cambridge Companion to Native American Literature, edited by Joy Porter and Kenneth M. Roemer. Reviewed by Jace Weaver
- Chee Chee: A Study of Canadian Aboriginal Suicide, by Al Evans. Reviewed by Jessiline Anderson
- Conquest: Sexual Violence and American Indian Genocide, by Andrea Smith. Reviewed by Karren Baird-Olson
- Coyote Warrior: One Man, Three Tribes, and the Trial That Forged a Nation, by Paul VanDevelder. Reviewed by John M. Shaw
- From Dominance to Disappearance: The Indians of Texas and the Near Southwest, 1786–1859, by F. Todd Smith. Reviewed by David La Vere
- Indian Metropolis: Native Americans in Chicago, 1945–75, by James B. LaGrand. Reviewed by Susan Lobo
- Indians and Emigrants: Encounters on the Overland Trails, by Michael L. Tate. Reviewed by Robert L. Munkres
- Indigenous Peoples and the Modern State, edited by Duane Champagne, Karen Jo Torjesen, and Susan Steiner. Reviewed by Greg Poelzer
- Justice as Healing: Indigenous Ways, edited by Wanda D. McCaslin. Reviewed by Brian Calliou
- Learning to Write “Indian”: The Boarding-School Experience and American Indian Literature, by Amelia V. Katanski. Reviewed by Raphael Comprone
- Like a Loaded Weapon: The Rehnquist Court, Indian Rights, and the Legal History of Racism in America, by Robert A. Williams. Reviewed by Alex Tallchief Skibine
- Native Americans in the School System: Family, Community, and Academic Achievement, by Carol J. Ward. Reviewed by Rosemary Ackley Christensen
- Navajo Nation Peacemaking: Living Traditional Justice, by Marianne O. Nielsen and James W. Zion. Reviewed by Pat Lauderdale
- Paths to a Middle Ground: The Diplomacy of Natchez, Boukfouka, Nogales, and San Fernando de las Barrancas, 1791–1795, by Charles A. Weeks. Reviewed by J. Daniel d’Oney
- The Plains Sioux and U.S. Colonialism from Lewis and Clark to Wounded Knee, by Jeffrey Ostler. Reviewed by Daniele Bolelli
- Powwow, edited by Clyde Ellis, Luke Eric Lassiter, and Gary H. Dunham. Reviewed by Christopher Scales
- Sovereign Selves: American Indian Autobiography and the Law, by David J. Carlson. Reviewed by Joanna Brooks
- To Intermix with Our White Brothers: Indian Mixed Bloods in the United States from Earliest Times to the Indian Removals, by Thomas N. Ingersoll. Reviewed by Benjamin L. Perez