Vol. 30, No. 1 2006
- Literary Sovereignties: New Directions in American Indian Autobiography, by Michelle Raheja and Stephanie Fitzgerald
- The Double-Weave of Self and Other: Ethnographic Acts and Autobiographical Occasions in Marilou Awiakta’s Selu: Seeking the Corn-Mother’s Wisdom, by James H. Watkins
- Integrated Circuitry: Catharine Brown across Gender, Race, and Religion, by Joshua B. Nelson
- “I was at war—but it was a gentle war”: The Power of the Positive in Rita Joe’s Autobiography, by Sam McKegney
- “It Just Seemed to Call to Me”: Debra Magpie Earling’s Self-Telling in Perma Red, by Jane Haladay
- “As if Reviewing His Life”: Bull Lodge’s Narrative and the Mediation of Self‑Representation, by Joseph P. Gone
- “I leave it with the people of the United States to say”: Autobiographical Disruption in the Personal Narratives of Black Hawk and Ely S. Parker, by Michelle H. Raheja
- Intimate Geographies: Reclaiming Citizenship and Community in The Autobiography of Delfina Cuero and Bonita Nuñez’s Diaries, by Stephanie Fitzgerald
- Another Attempt at Rescue, by M. L. Smoker. Reviewed by Dawn Karima Pettigrew
- Cash, Color, and Colonialism: The Politics of Tribal Acknowledgment, by Renée Ann Cramer. Reviewed by J. Anthony Paredes
- Chief Joseph, Yellow Wolf, and the Creation of Nez Perce History in the Pacific Northwest, by Robert R. McCoy. Reviewed by Steven Ross Evans
- Choice, Persuasion, and Coercion: Social Control on Spain’s North American Frontiers, edited by Jesus F. de la Teja and Ross Frank. Reviewed by Andrew Gulliford
- Conquest by Law: How the Discovery of America Dispossessed Indigenous People of Their Land, by Lindsay G. Robertson. Reviewed by Peter d’Errico
- Entering America: Northeast Asia and Beringia before the Last Glacial Maximum, edited by D. B. Madsen. Reviewed by Robert E. Ackerman
- In-Between Places, by Diane Glancy. Reviewed by Lindsey Claire Smith
- Indian Country: Essays on Contemporary Native Culture, by Gail Guthrie Valaskakis. Reviewed by James S. Frideres
- “Indian” Stereotypes in TV Science Fiction: First Nations’ Voices Speak Out, by Sierra S. Adare. Reviewed by Stephanie Norton Joynes
- Keeping the Circle: American Indian Identity in Eastern North Carolina, 1885–2004, by Christopher Arris Oakley. Reviewed by Malinda Maynor Lowery
- Lt. Charles Gatewood and His Apache Wars Memoir, by Charles B. Gatewood. Reviewed by Victoria Smith
- The Myth of Syphilis, The Natural History of Treponematosis in North America, edited by Mary Lucas Powell and Della Collins Cook. Reviewed by Charles Cambridge
- A Nation of Statesmen: The Political Culture of the Stockbridge-Munsee Mohicans, 1815–1972, by James W. Oberly. Reviewed by James D. Drake
- Negotiating Tribal Water Rights: Fulfilling Promises in the Arid West, by Bonnie G. Colby, John E. Thorson, and Sarah Britton. Reviewed by Michelle L. LaPena
- No One Ever Asked Me: The World War II Memoirs of an Omaha Indian Soldier, by Hollis D. Stabler. Reviewed by William C. Meadows
- Reclaiming the Ancestors: Decolonizing a Taken Prehistory of the Far Northeast, by Frederick Matthew Wiseman. Reviewed by Richard Fehr
- Sacagawea’s Child, The Life and Times of Jean-Baptiste (Pomp) Charbonneau, by Susan M. Colby. Reviewed by Selene Phillips
- Silko: Writing Storyteller and Medicine Woman, by Brewster E. Fitz. Reviewed by Delilah Orr
- Travelling Knowledges: Positioning the Im/Migrant Reader of Aboriginal Literatures in Canada, by Renate Eigenbrod. Reviewed by Naomi McIlwraith
- Wasáse: Indigenous Pathways of Action and Freedom, by Taiaiake Alfred. Reviewed by David Martínez