
Vol. 27, No. 2 2003
- De/Scribing Squ*w: Indigenous Women and Imperial Idioms in the United States, by C. Richard King
- The Heart of Lightness: Hollywood’s Wild West Show Revisited, by Delano Jose Lopez
- The Development of “New” Languages in Native American Communities, by Anne Goodfellow
- Claiming Europe: Native American Literary Responses to the Old World, by Lee Schweninger
- Reaching the Grassroots: The Worldwide Diffusion of Iroquois Democratic Traditions, by Bruce E. Johansen and Donald A. Grinde, Jr.
- Quiet Truth of History, by Vladimir Swirynsky
- Wolf Visions, by Delilah O’Haynes
- American Indians, by Delilah O’Haynes
- Navajo Country, by Delilah O’Haynes
- Winter Moon, by Delilah O’Haynes
- Hallowed Host, by Delilah O’Haynes
- Absentee Indians and Other Poems, by Kimberly Blaeser. Reviewed by Philip Heldrich
- Before and After Jamestown: Virginia’s Powhatans and Their Predecessors, by Helen C. Rountree and E. Randolph Turner III. Reviewed by James D. Drake
- Cherokee Voices: Early Accounts of Cherokee Life in the East, by Vicki Rozema. Reviewed by C. S. Everett
- Chief Daniel Bread and the Oneida Nation of Indians of Wisconsin, by Laurence M. Hauptman and L. Gordon McLester III. Reviewed by James W. Oberly
- Dancing with the Virgin: Body and Faith in the Fiesta of Tortugas, New Mexico, by Deidre Sklar. Reviewed by Ann Storey
- Father Francis M. Craft: Missionary to the Sioux, by Thomas W. Foley. Reviewed by Robert H. Craig
- First to Fight, by Henry Mihesuah, edited By Devon Abbot Mihesuah. Reviewed by Paul Brooke
- Frontier Blood: The Saga of the Parker Family, by Jo Ella Powell Exley. Reviewed by Joaquín Rivaya-Martínez
- Germans and Indians: Fantasies, Encounters, Projections, edited by Colin G. Calloway, Gerd Gemünden, and Suzanne Zantop. Reviewed by Danika Medak-Saltzman
- Grave Injustice: The American Indian Repatriation Movement and NAGPRA, by Kathleen S. Fine-Dare. Reviewed by Nancy Marie Mithlo
- Hopi Tales of Destruction, collected, translated, and edited by Ekkehart Malotki; narrated by Michael Lomatuway’ma, Lorena Lomatuway’ma, and Sidney Namingha Jr. Reviewed by Louis A. Hieb
- The Indian Frontier, 1763–1846, by Douglas R. Hurt. Reviewed by Miguel M. Chavez
- For Our Navajo People: Diné Letters, Speeches, and Petitions, 1900–1960, edited by Peter Iverson, photo editor Monty Roessel. Reviewed by Larry R. Stucki
- Northern Athabascan Survival: Women, Community, and the Future, by Phyllis Ann Fast. Reviewed by Katherine Beaty Chiste
- Nuvisavik: The Place Where We Weave, edited by Maria Von Finckenstein. Reviewed by Nelson Graburn
- Prayer on Top of the Earth: The Spiritual Universe of the Plains Apaches, by Kay Parker Schweinfurth. Reviewed by Philip J. Greenfeld
- Shaping Survival: Essays by Four American Indian Tribal Women, by Lanniko L. Lee, Florestine Kiyukanpi Renville, Karen Lone Hill, and Lydia Whirlwind Soldier, edited by Jack W. Marken and Charles L. Woodard. Reviewed by Helen M. Bannan
- Signs of Cherokee Culture: Sequoyah’s Syllabary in Eastern Cherokee Life, by Margaret Bender. Reviewed by Martha J. Macri
- So They Understand: Cultural Issues in Oral History, by William Schneider. Reviewed by Ron Welburn
- Woman Walking Ahead: In Search of Catherine Weldon and Sitting Bull, by Eileen Pollack. Reviewed by Tressa Berman