American Indian Culture and Research Journal: Vol. 17, No. 1 (1993)
- Who Are these Gentle People? by C. Patrick Morris
- The Columbus Quincentenary and the Politics of the "Encounter", by Ariana Hernhández-Reguant
- Italy Celebrates Columbus: The Indian Rediscovered, by Naila Clerici
- Discovering Differences: Maaori-White Relationships in New Zealand, by Robert Te Kotahi Mahuta
- The Rediscovery of Hawaiian Sovereignty, by Poka Laenui
- Tying up the Bundle and the Katuns of Dishonor: Maya Worldview and Politics, by Victor Montejo
- The Sami People: The "White Indians" of Scandinavia, by Harald Gaski
- Africa and Discovery: Human Rights, Environment and Development, by Robert Hitchcock
- The Iroquois and the Nature of American Government, by Donald A. Grinde, Jr.
- To the Land of the Mistogoches: American Indians Traveling to Europe in the Age of Exploration, by Harald E. L. Prins
- A "New Partnership" for Indigenous Peoples: Can the United Nations Make a Difference? by Russel Lawrence Barsh
- Indigenous Documents Related to the Quincentenary, by Charles Hale
- Aboriginal Peoples and Politics: The Indian Land Question in British Columbia, 1849–1989, by Paul Tennant. Reviewed by Imre Sutton
- Chippewa Child Life and Its Cultural Background, by M. Inez Hilger. Reviewed by Brenda J. Child
- Chippewa Treaty Rights: The Reserved Rights of Wisconsins Chippewa Indians in Historical Prerspective, by Ronald N. Satz. Reviewed by James M. McClurken
- Columbian Consequences, Volume 3: The Spanish Borderlands in Pan-American Perspective, edited by David Hurst Thomas. Reviewed by John L. Kessel
- Countering Colonization: Native American Women and Great Lakes Missions 1630–1900, by Carol Devens. Reviewed by Nancy Bonvillain
- Dead Voices: Natural Agonies in the New World, by Gerald Vizenor. Reviewed by Elizabeth Blair
- Discovered Lands, Invented Pasts: Transforming Visions of the American West, by Jules David Prown et al. Reviewed by Cornelia S. Feye
- In Defense of the Indians, by Bartolomé de Las Casas. Reviewed by Roxanne Dunbar Ortiz
- Letters from New France: The Upper Country 1686–1783, translated and edited by Joseph L. Peyser. Reviewed by Jay Cassel
- Lost Harvests: Prairie Indian Reserve Farmers and Government Policy, by Sarah Carter. Reviewed by David Reed Miller
- My Elders Taught Me: Aspects of Western Great Lakes American Indian Philosophy, by John Boatman. Reviewed by Theresa S. Smith
- A Narrative of the Life of Mrs. Mary Jemison, by James E. Seaver, edited by June Namias. Reviewed by Colin G. Calloway
- Oliver La Farge and the American Indian: A Biography, by Robert A. Hecht. Reviewed by Edith Blicksilver
- The Origins of Agriculture and Settled Life, by Richard S. MacNeish. Reviewed by Alan J. Osborn
- Retelling/Rereading: The Fate of Storytelling in Modern Times, by Karl Kroeber. Reviewed by Daryl Wilson
- Sacred Land, Sacred View: Navajo Perceptions of the Four Corners Region, by Robert S. McPherson. Reviewed by Thomas D. Hall
- Schmicks Mahican Dictionary, edited by Carl Masthay. Reviewed by Marianne Mithun
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